Delchev & Partners is a prime, full service, commercial Law firm with offices in Sofia and Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Delchev & Partners provides comprehensive legal services, tax consulting and advice to multinational corporations operating in Bulgaria, international companies, closely held foreign and Bulgarian businesses, local entrepreneurs, exempt organizations and individuals.
Our experienced professionals, lawyers and tax consultants, will help your corporate or personal business with quality expertise on any legal or tax issue in Bulgaria.
Delchev & Partners Law Firm
We Create
Delchev & Partners are especially proud to announce the publication of the Bulgarian book “Vertical Agreement, EC - Bulgaria” („Вертикални споразумения, ЕС - България”) co-authored by our colleague Ivan Marinov (Иван Маринов). This is the first Bulgarian book dedicated to the commercial and competition law aspects of vertical agreements under EU and national competition law. It is not only the first of its kind in Bulgaria but is also part of the first wave of a unique pan-European project in the center of which is the Oxford University Press monograph “Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law” authored by Frank Wijckmans and Filip Tuytschaever. The project includes around twenty member states with their own local publications. The project and the book were presented at a special conference held in Brussels on 3 May 2018 which was opened by Koen Geens, Minister of Justice, Belgian Federal Government. Key note speaker was Lucas Peeperkorn, Principal Expert in Antitrust Policy, European Commission (DG Competition). For more information about the project and the book click here.
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We Connect
Delchev & Partners has become a part of a new pan-European family inspired by contrast ( It is our very special honour and privilege to take the hand extended by contrast and join the Distribution Law Center (DLC) ( connecting 27 jurisdictions in Europe and devoted to bringing knowledge on verticals closer to practice
Recent Alerts & Publications
Variable Capital Company (EN) (March)
Mid-Year Tax Update (August)
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