European Legal Review, vol II 2012 – The Right to Default Interest on Late VAT Refunds, Case C-107-10 Enel Maritsa Iztok 3
In view of the above, according to the interpretation given by the Court of Justice each taxable person is entitled to receive default interest on the VAT to be refunded to him from the date on which the regular period for refunding the tax lapses regardless of any extension of that term due to a tax audit.
By the time the judgment of the Court of Justice in the Enel case was delivered, the Bulgarian VAT Act had been already amended and aligned with the case-law of the ECJ although the amendments had effect only for cases which occurred after 01.01.2010. In addition, the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court had come to the same findings as the Court of Justice in a number of cases preceding the Enel judgment.
In view of the above, the only “grey zone” which appears to remain following the legislative amendments of the VAT Act and the Enel Judgment of the Court of Justice concerns the cases of VAT refund which occurred between the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2010 when the arbitrary statutory provision of the VAT Act was in force.
Although it looks like the Enel judgment would not lead to legislative amendments or major changes in the administrative practice or the case law, it proves that the Bulgarian courts already interpret and apply the EU VAT legislation correctly and in compliance with the general principles of the VAT system. We could only hope that the tax administration would also abide by those rules and that the taxable persons would receive timely refund of the VAT paid in excess and a fair compensation for any possible delays in the form of default interest.