Industrial property in Bulgaria

Being ingenious and recognizable in the realm of today’s industry is a necessary prerequisite for every player in it to stay competitive and profitable.  In many respects industrial property is what may yield this advantage to you.

Delchev & Partners legal advisers may advise you on the following aspects of Industrial Property law in Bulgaria:

  • Patents;
  • Utility models;
  • Industrial designs;
  • Trade marks;
  • Geographical indications;
  • New plant varieties and animal breeds.



Delchev & Partners is a prime, full service, commercial law firm with offices in Sofia and Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Our experienced team of lawyers  and consultants provide quality legal and tax services in various practice areas to multinational corporations and companies, closely held foreign and local businesses, local entrepreneurs, exempt organizations and individuals, based or operating in any major Bulgarian city – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora etc.