Tax representation & litigation

Delchev & Partners’ lawyers have represented numerous clients in connection with tax audits and tax appeals before the respective Bulgarian administrative appeals tax authority. We have extensive experience in preparing objections and appeals against tax administrative acts in Bulgaria, including tax audit reports, tax assessment acts and administrative penalty acts and in representing clients in the course of the appealing procedures.

We have had an active practice representing clients in tax cases before Bulgarian courts. In most cases we follow the case from the administrative appeal of the tax act until its final resolution in the court, prepare all necessary documents in the course of the proceedings and represent the client during court hearings.

We have also had our first steps in preliminary rulings proceedings before the ECJ after Bulgaria’s EU accession in 2007.





Delchev & Partners is a prime, full service, commercial law firm with offices in Sofia and Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Our experienced team of lawyers  and consultants provide quality legal and tax services in various practice areas to multinational corporations and companies, closely held foreign and local businesses, local entrepreneurs, exempt organizations and individuals, based or operating in any major Bulgarian city – Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora etc.